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How to accept online donations

9:40 PM

You can accept donations online with PayPal, if you are looking for donations to help with your website, blog, or charitable cause. You can get a free website from PayPal or Facebook to accept donations. You can also use your own website or blog easily by just copy and paste the code below into your page web.

1. Read the information about donations on the website of PayPal so you can become familiar with how to accept donations online. This option is found under section profit from the website of PayPal.

2. Sign up for an account PayPal, or log into your existing account. Visit the PayPal website and enter your e -mail address and other personal information . Select the area that indicates you want a merchant account instead of a personal account of so that you will be able to accept donations.

3. Click on the tab "My Account "and select the option for " donations ".

4. Click " Settings "and select the button you want to use. can change the button to read anything you like, and you can give your donors the opportunity to donate orsubscribe for donations recurring.

5 . Copy and paste the HTML of the button on your website. Nonprofit organizations are able to make their own website in minutes through PayPal , as it is free to create and there are no fees or tariffs hosting setup. There are costs of transaction that are to a rate much greater than using your own website. You also have the ability to use your own domain name and host your website on your own.

6. Set payments on its website Facebook. This gives you access to hundreds of thousands of potential donors. Through What Gives program, you can create your own Facebook application and accept donations to a wide variety of potential donors.

7. Keep track of all your donations online in your account PayPal. Transfer funds to your bank account at any time , or use the money online through your account of PayPal , which accepts .


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